Nature’s Solutions
a natural option

The clinic offers Homeopathy and Food Intolerance testing by Jill Morrison BSc, Dip Hom, HND. Jill qualified as a Homeopath in 1999 and trained to become a Food Intolerance tester in 2004, so a wealth of experience and knowledge can be guaranteed.
Food Intolerance testing
Food Intolerance testing is done with a Vega testing machine. The Vega machine is an electronic devise that measures your resistance to foods.
Initial Consultation
Before the test starts there is an in depth consultation involving any symptoms you have, your normal eating patterns and your diet. You will have ample time to talk about your symptoms, past history and diet. Some people come for a general check-up and are symptom free.

Frequently Asked Questions
About Intolerance Testing
What does it involve?
The process is painless, and there are no needles involved. You will be asked to hold a metal probe in one hand and lay your other hand palm up on a table. As each food or drink substance is added to the machine a probe will be pushed down on your finger or hand. The machine indicates whether or not there is a resistance to the substance. The test is live and you will be aware of the difference in the machine there and then when an intolerance is indicated.
Vitamin/mineral deficiencies
The final test box is a vitamin/mineral deficiency testing. This is an important part of the process to make sure all is satisfactory and a deficiency is not part of the symptomology. There is no additional cost for mineral / vitamin deficiencies testing, as it is included in the Food Intolerance Testing.
Can Children be tested?
The minimum age of testing is 7 years old as the child needs to sit still for over an hour and let their hand be tested. However if you think your child age under 7 can do this it may be possible to test.
What is tested for?
All the major food groups are tested. These include vegetables, fruits, all grains, dairy, eggs, meat, fish, and shellfish. Some of the common food additives and preservatives are also tested. Drinks like tea, coffee and alcohol are included in the testing.
The Results
You will be given a handout with the results for the Food Intolerance Testing and the Mineral and Vitamin Deficiency Testing. This is accompanied by an advice sheet offering nutritional advice as well as supplement and/or remedy advice. The whole session lasts an hour and a half.
When can testing NOT be done?
If you have been prescribed anti-biotics or oral steroids it is our advice to wait until you have finished the course as these may interfere with the results. If you have had a tummy bug in the last 3 days the results for the vitamin/mineral test may be affected due to vomiting/ diarrhoea and may not represent the ‘normal you’.
Homeopathy, Stirling
Homeopathy is a natural holistic medicine that treats the whole person. Homeopathy addresses both physical and emotional levels at the same time, addressing the whole person rather than just the individual symptoms. Growing numbers of people are choosing a more natural solution to their healthcare needs and Homeopathy is ideal for those who want to explore a holistic approach to enhance their wellbeing. Every person is unique and homeopathic remedies are individually prescribed to suit not only the illness picture but the whole person. Homeopathy is a safe, gentle and chemical free form of medicine.

The homeopathic consultation
The first appointment lasts about an hour, but can be up to two hours depending on each person. You will be given plenty time and space to talk and will not be rushed. If needed you will be asked to elaborate, and also asked about past medical history, family medical history, lifestyle, nutrition, sleeping patterns and anything else relevant to you. You will then either be given a remedy at the end of the consultation or you will be sent a remedy in the post. Follow up appointments are half an hour and are four weeks apart.
Homeopathic remedies
Remedies are either in chewable pill or liquid form with full instruction on how to take and store the remedy. Remedies are provided and there is no extra charge for them. Remedies are easy to take and have a pleasant taste. No remedies are ever tested on animals.
Homeopathy is safe for children (including babies) and is easy to administer. The remedies are pleasant tasting and have no side-effects. Shorter consultations are available for children suffering acute illnesses like coughs, tummy bugs, heavy or long lasting colds, ear infections.
Price List
Food intolerance testing:
Cost is £60, duration 90 minutes
Homeopathic clinic cost:
Initial consultation cost is £60, duration 90 minutes
Follow-up consolations cost is £35, duration 30 minutes
Discounts for children, OAPs and students are available on request.
NO extra charge for remedies which are provided.